Ankasoor - An Educational Card Game
This game was created during a workshop held at IDC, IIT Bombay for Rajya Shiksha Kendra, Bhopal which is working for the education board of the Madhya Pradesh Government. During this workshop we studied the syllabus of standard I to V of the Madhya Pradesh Educational Board, looking for difficulties kids are having in understanding various abstracts concepts of mathematics. After studying the mathematics text book, we concentrated on place-value notation which is a method of representing or encoding numbers. We identified that students from standard III and IV have a problem in understanding the concept of place value. 
Ankasoor literally means the digit monster, a game where you have to make a complete number, before the monster eats it. This game can be played by two to four people. Age group: 6 years and above
This card game is designed for kids to help them understand the idea of place value in a number system in a fun manner. The kids have difficulties in understanding values of numbers when kept at various places of the number system. To help them learn this, Ankasoor deals with units, tens, hundreds & thousands.

The game has four sets of cards with different place values: units, tens, hundreds and thousands.
It also has ten action cards and monster cards which make the game more enjoyable to play.

This game is created at IDC, IIT Bombay
For Rajya Shiksha Kendra Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Govt.
Guide: Prof. Uday Athavankar
Designed by : Alice kerketta, Gagan Narhe, Sonali Chandrakar.
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