The project aimed to adapt the critically acclaimed collection of short stories, "The Adivasi Will Not Dance" by Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar, into a visually captivating and culturally sensitive graphic novel. This adaptation served as a bridge between literature and visual storytelling, bringing to life the tales of the Adivasi communities in India in a format accessible to a wider audience.
Selection and Analysis of Stories: 
Began by selecting a subset of stories from the book that were visually compelling and could be effectively translated into a graphic novel format. Analysed the chosen stories to identify key themes, characters, and settings that informed the graphic novel's design.
Character and Setting Design: 
Developed character designs that respected the Adivasi culture's nuances and conveyed the characters' emotions and identities authentically. Created detailed settings that captured the essence of the Adivasi communities, taking inspiration from the book's descriptions
Began the storyboard process, sketching out key scenes from the selected stories. Determined the pacing of the graphic novel, ensuring a balance between text and visuals for an engaging reading experience.
Script Adaptation:
Rewrote the book's text into a concise, dialogue-driven script that complemented the visual storytelling. Ensured that the adapted script maintained the narrative integrity and essence of the original stories.
Layout and Panel Composition:
Designed the layout of each page, considering the flow of the story and how each panel contributed to the narrative. Experimented with panel sizes and compositions to create dynamic visuals that conveyed emotions and actions effectively.​​​​​​​
Lettering and Typography:
Selected appropriate fonts and typography styles that enhanced the reading experience and maintained readability. Integrated text seamlessly into the artwork, ensuring it complemented the visual narrative.
Review and Feedback:
Regularly reviewed the progress with the author (Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar) to ensure the adaptation aligned with the book's intent and vision. Sought feedback from cultural experts or representatives of the Adivasi communities to ensure cultural sensitivity.

Finalisation and Publication:
Made necessary revisions based on feedback and final approvals. Prepared the graphic novel for publication, considering print and digital formats
Promotion and Distribution:
Developed a marketing and distribution strategy to reach a wide audience. Organized book launches, talks, and exhibitions to raise awareness about the graphic novel and its cultural significance. The adaptation of "The Adivasi Will Not Dance" into a graphic novel celebrated the rich literary heritage of Adivasi communities and made their stories more accessible to a global audience, fostering greater understanding and appreciation of their culture and struggles.
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