The world heritage sites of India are a complex yet intriguing part of India’s history. The beginning of life on this part of the peninsular region has a breathtaking story. Right from the beginning, after the continental drift pushed this island to the asian mainland and gave rise to Himalayas, the geographical qualities of the country has diversified sevenfold. The Himalayas are not only an important part of India’s landscape, they gave rise to several stories that became a part of Indian mythology and contribute to the cultural diversity of the country as well. It is the reason for many travellers to visit India and fall for its magnificence. The places in and around Himalayas harbour important traces of the biological growth of flora and fauna of the country. Various animals that take shelter in the green to snowy regions of upper Himalayas and the vegetation, that forms important part of medicine along with the generosity of nature, all form a delicate ecosystem worth expanding one’s knowledge about. The purpose of the project is to understand the significance of the sites of India listed as world heritage sites by UNESCO. Bring out the stories related to them and create an immersive visual output that would engage people and evoke curiosity amongst them to find out about these important places. Owing to it’s importance in shaping the culture and natural history of India, I took Nanda Devi National park as an understudy.